Georgia Ellyse talks motherhood and healthy relationships with soul-singer Vivian Green [audio]

Georgia Ellyse interviews Vivian Green

Georgia Ellyse interviews Vivian Green

A sisterhood for mothers
Green was inspired to start a support group with a friend for parents who have special needs children in Philly, with hopes to branch out soon.

“I am so passionate about helping mothers like myself. There’s nothing like that out there now. We’re starting an organization for mothers who often just feel alone, like you don’t have anybody to talk to or nobody understands how you feel or what you’re going through. You really need support. When you find yourself in that situation, you still feel alone. it can really be a lonely place.”

Ending her relationship with her son’s father
“I could not go on my journey being Jordan’s mother and have all this toxicity in my life. I made the choice. This is it. I was young and dumb and this is over. [My son] is my number one priority.”

Change is good
“In a lot of situations where women are being abused, they can’t see that they should be first. We need to know our value and our worth as women. We have to know what we deserve and what we don’t deserve. If that means maybe you’ll be single for a little bit, that’s fine. You’re not going to die. People are really afraid of change, when change could really be the most wonderful thing that ever happened to you.”

Drop the baggage
If you are carrying baggage from a previous relationship, then you should be by yourself. Cleanse yourself of that baggage and then you can be a great candidate to be in a healthy relationship. Establish a foundation for friendship and communication. Those two things are a great recipe for success and love.

Click the link below for the full interview and be sure to tune into Georgia Ellyse’s Midday Show weekdays on KMOJ/89.9 FM, 10 am – 2pm CST to hear more intimate and revealing interviews.